Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gingerbread Village

To kick off December, tonight's family night we made a ginger bread village. The kit came with five different buildings...it was meant to be. :) We had a blast. I kept seeing Payton take things off of his house, lick the frosting off and then, put it back on again. Lots of fun!

From L to R: Camden's, Daddy's, Payton's, Mommy's and Maylee Grace's (w/help from Mom)

Playing at the Park

Playing at the park takes on a whole new meaning when you can walk and get around a little better. Maylee Grace was loving her new found freedom at the park. She especially loved the slide and kept saying "more, please".

Friday, November 13, 2009

Popcorn Papa

Popcorn and Papa go hand in hand. I have a picture of all of our kiddos about this age sharing popcorn with Papa. They know when they smell popcorn, it's time to hop in Papa's lap and have a special treat.

"We don't punch the turkey!"

Papa, Mimi and Payton at Camden's Thanksgiving lunch at school.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"UP!" Family Night

This Tuesday night family night happened to fall on the DVD release date for "UP". Matt and I gathered up and cleaned out our DVD stash to get some credit at the video store, so we could buy "UP". We surprised the kids with balloons and the movie for family night. They were so excited. Matt even shed a tear or two during the movie. :)

Fall is here

Payton has loved watching the trees change this year. He is so aware of it and has been reminding us that "when the leaves fall down, winter is coming soon."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Prince Peter, Yoda and my sweet Lady Bug

Pumpking Carving

Tonight we carved our pumpkin. We thought we'd let the kids get messy and feel the goo inside the pumpkin. Maylee Grace loved it. She had it all over her and I'm pretty sure she actually ate part of it. As predicted, Payton would hardly look at the "gooey, yucky stuff". He was looking over at Maylee Grace bathing in her pile and started gagging and preceded to throw-up. Yep, our rough and tumble 3 year old couldn't handle seeing the Princess playing with the "gooey, yucky stuff". Camden wasn't too keen on the idea either, but decided that his little sister was showing him up. He donned a brave face and touched the goo. :) Never a dull moment at the Sellers' house.....

The Pumpkin Gospel
by: Mary Manz Simon
My big round pumpkin shows me God gives us a clean heart.
He will forgive our mess-ups and He offers a new start.
The slime that fills the pumpkin, all stringy, slippery goo,
Reminds me of my insides before God makes me new.
I scoop the mushy gushies like God cleans out my sin.
When he says "I forgive you," I smile a great big grin.
Come look into my pumpkin; he is all clean inside.
And outside he is wearing a smile that's big and wide.
God's love is like a candle that shines from inside out.
It's beaming deep within me, and so I now can shout.
To glow like my big pumpkin and have a nice clean heart,
Ask God to please forgive you. You'll have a brand new start.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

On Payton's birthday we went to the pumpkin patch. We rode on a hayride, walked through the corn maze, pet the farm animals and of course, checked out the pumpkin patch.

Payton scoping out the tractor we were getting ready to ride.
Daddy and his Cinderella

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Balloon Fiesta

Camden, Maylee Grace and Grumpy
5am was early!

Camden, Payton and Aunt Rachel watching the balloon leave the ground.

Camden and his buddy, weatherman, Steve Stucker

Time with the Fam

It was fun spending time with Papaw and Memaw Sellers who drove all the way from WV to visit us. The last time we saw Papaw was when Payton was born. It was fun to be together again.

Aunt Rachel and her shadow, Payton
Aunt Rachel was TRYING to sleep.