Friday, March 27, 2009

The Beach

California was sunny, but not too warm. We did visit the beach, but decided to not get wet, because it was so cold. Camden just wanted to get his feet can imagine what that led to...yep, wet shorts. The wind was cold, but it was a beautiful day. Payton would start running when the water started coming up the shore. He being a such a clean freak was not excited about all the sand on his hands and feet.

Santa Monica Pier


Legoland also included an Aquarium. The boys loved looking at all the sea life. They had lots of fun places to get up close and personal with the fish!

Payton fell in love with the star fish and wanted to touch all of them.

waiting in line for a ride

THOMAS!!! I could not get Payton to look away from Thomas long enough to take a picture. He was so excited!

Darth Vader...Camden was looking specifically for him. He was right inside of the gate.

The Lego Pirate

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Day at the Zoo

Lang's Farm in Corrales

Our sweet friends in Corrales allowed us to bring the kids down to visit the farm. They have horses, dogs, a goat and a giant pig named "El Guapo" who apparently loves donut holes. :) The property has been used in several movies. They run a Bed and Breakfast and have hosted Kevin Costner, Willie Nelson, and Toby Keith...just to name a few. Anyway, here are some fun snap shots from the weekend.

"El Guapo"

Maylee Grace is 6 months old (2/8/09)

At her 6 month check-up, she was 15.8lbs (tripled her birthweight) and 28 inches long. What a joy she has been in our lives!! God has already given her such a sweet spirit about her. We are blessed.

Maylee Grace thought she needed to see what the all the "hype" was about Hot Wheels.