After much prayer over the last year and half, Matt and I have decided to home school all three of our children. I had planned to home school the two youngest, but at the beginning of 5th grade, I wasn't sure what Camden's middle school/6th grade year would look like. I literally started researching and praying and asking God for a very definite answer before Camden finished 5th grade. I knew by February of this year that I would home school Camden. For a long time, I/we didn't tell anyone. I was unsure of people's reactions and opinions, etc. God gave me a complete peace about our decision. I know that we made the best decision for our family and our children. I understand that it's not for everyone. I don't have a problem with the public school son went to public school for 3 years. I know it won't be easy. I know it requires A LOT of work on my part, but I am ready for that challenge. I am so excited to be the one that influences my children's character and learning. My kids are involved in church activities galore, sports, band and a home school co-op with more than 100 other children. We're only 2 weeks in, but so far I feel such a personal blessing from this decision.
Yearly School Picture
Yearly School Picture
Camden 6th grade--Payton Kindergarten--Maylee Grace Preschool |
I am blessed! |