Monday, August 26, 2013

Petroglyph National Monument

We took some time to have a much needed family day and went to visit the Petroglyphs right here in Albuquerque.  It was a fun day of hiking and exploring.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Day of School for the Littles!

First Day of Kindergarten for the princess
First Day of 2nd grade
All three first days:  7th grade, 2nd grade and Kindergarten

Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Day of 7th grade for Camden!

Camden began his 7th grade school year!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Princess Ball

For the princess, we decided to join forces for her birthday party with her sweet friend Kate.  Their birthdays are just a few days a part.  Both girls picked a princess and ran with that theme. Maylee Grace picked Mulan, so we did Asian themed decorations and made "fake sushi" as Maylee Grace called it.

When Prince Hunter entered the backyard, all of the girls ran over to him.  It was so funny!  He had no problem being the only Prince at the party. 

 We had lots of fun playing games.

Maylee Grace is 5!!!

How can it be that Maylee Grace is 5 already?!?!?
She is loving her new mature age.  She had a great day full of special treatment!  She went on her traditional Daddy birthday breakfast date to Krispy Kreme.  The boys treated her to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch.  I think there might have been a hidden motive, but we still had lots of fun!  She opened presents and concluded the day with pink cake and pink ice cream.

Checking his heartbeat

I would say it was a great day!

Cousins comin' to town!!!

The kids had a fun surprise meeting up with our Arizona cousins for dinner one night on their way through Albuquerque.
Maylee Grace, Lexi, and Maddie

 Camden, Rhett, Payton, Maddie, Maylee Grace, Lexi

the boys!