In the early morning hours of May 6, 2001, I woke up with contractions. I paced the hall between our bedroom and what would soon be a baby room to our new baby. It was still 2 weeks until my due date, so I couldn't possibly be in labor...right?? I kept trying to convince myself that I had too much to eat at MY birthday dinner the night before. :) I went downstairs to make some lemon poppyseed muffins at 3 am in the morning. Then I decided to lay down on the couch and watch some old Brady Bunch reruns. I finally went upstairs to tell Matt that maybe we should go to the hospital. Camden was born at 8:59am in the morning. :)
It's so hard to believe that was 9 years ago. Each birthday we come together as a family and have a birthday blessing time. We shared how Camden has blessed us. Payton says, "you're the best brada (brother) in the ward (world)". :) Maylee Grace says, "I wuf oo Bubba". Camden has developed such a sweet spirit of compassion. He has a heart for people who are hurting or struggling. He also loves and be-friends anyone. What a blessing he is our lives!
"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I have asked of Him. So now I give him to the LORD." 1 Samuel 1:27-28
Happy Birthday to my first born miracle-Camden Paul

We took a few of his friends down to a local pizza place where they were able to make their own pizzas. They had a blast topping their slices with everything they wanted.

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