Friday, April 22, 2011

One week down...

This week we left our house at 7am everyday to battle traffic to the radiation office. First, let me say, we have been abundantly blessed by a dear friend who has volunteered to come be with my sleepy headed children every morning so that I might accompany my husband to his treatments. I feel extremely grateful that she is giving her time so that I can support and be there for my husband. It is a gift that means more than she will ever know. I was sharing with someone this week about this sweet friend and they responded, "That's what the body of Christ does." It's a beautiful depiction of giving whatever you are capable of giving and then, serving whenever God calls. Thank you, Juanita.

Matt is doing well after his first week of treatments. The only side effects he has noticed at this point is extreme fatigue and his face is swelling. He asked the radiation tech today about the swelling and they mentioned that was a common side effect. The hardest thing right now is that he is so tired. His body is remaking cells that the radiation is killing, so it is working overtime trying to catch up. He has met with a radiation consultant this week and the doctor. They were checking in to see how he is feeling. They began to prepare him for the side effects that are to come: dry mouth, severe sore throat, blisters on the inside of his mouth and outside of his face and the continuation of fatigue. Matt is staying positive, but not looking forward to the drive the next 5 weeks every day. Although, he did invite all of the people working at the radiation office to Easter service. Their excuse was that it was too far from where they lived. He said, "If I have to come all the way over here to see you everyday for the next 6 weeks, you can drive over and see me once on Easter Sunday. "

Maylee Grace relaxing with Daddy. She was trying to get him to say "cheese".

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