Friday, April 29, 2011

Week 2 of Radiation Complete!

This has been a slightly rough week for Matt. At the beginning of the week, he already noticed his first blisters. Then, his face continued to swell. The doctors were confused as to what might be causing the swelling. They thought it could be an infection from his surgery or from the radiation itself. The swelling was making Matt feel miserable and unable to speak without pain. After seeing 2 different doctors this week, his radiation doctor called Thursday afternoon and said she knew what it was that was causing the swelling. She assumed that it might be a clogged duct or gland. She called in a prescription and after 3 doses his swelling has gone down significantly which has lifted his spirits. He is unable to taste very well and it still is painful, but unfortunately is has to get worse before it gets better. He is also still very tired.

Please continue to pray that Matt doesn't get discouraged. He is faced with having to endure this everyday knowing that it is going to just get worse. On Tuesday, he was flat out angry that his face was so swollen and made for a long drive to the radiation office that day. :) He did take in a video camera and tripod this week to video the 15 minute process of his treatment. You can see it on our Paragon Church blog :

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