Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Swim Meet

Camden and Payton have been a part of the home school swim team this year.  They had their first swim meet last week and did quite well.  Afterwards they both told me how excited they were to swim and that they wanted to continue.  It is such a fun way for them to get exercise and we're blessed that it is right around the corner from our house.
They both participated in several heats.  Every time a new race was called they would pop up and go try.  At one point, Payton says, "I think I'll just go so try that stroke so I can win another ribbon." We were super proud of both of them.

 I was able to get a video of Payton swimming the free style.  He was racing against two almost 10 year olds!  He did great!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Nerf WAR!

Payton decided to summon all the soldiers for battle for his 7th birthday.  We had boys running around all over this park with their NERF guns.  They had a great time.
This was just before they all charged AT ME shooting their guns.

Sergeant Sellers leading the troops into battle

Pumpkin Patch

While Papa, Mimi, Aunt Carrie and the cousins were here, we went to McCall's Pumpkin Patch.  We had a fun day going on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch, riding the slide, playing in corn and petting the animals.  What a fun memory!

Camden, Cayson, Payton, Easton, Maylee Grace, Molly

Cousins are here!

Papa, Mimi and Aunt Carrie and the cousins came to see us for a few days.  The kids had a great time playing together.

Payton turns 7!

We had a fun day celebrating Payton's 7th birthday.  We went to the Balloon Fiesta. We gave him the choice of going out to dinner anywhere he'd like or we would make his favorite dinner.  This silly boy chose bean burritos and queso at home.  I love this kid.

Balloon Fiesta!

We have lived in Rio Rancho for more than 11 years and the Balloon Fiesta never gets old.  We love to go down on the field and watch the balloons go up.  
The Princess and the Queen
Darth Vader Balloon!

Our favorite weather guy:  Steve Stucker!
Payton hanging out in the grass.

Pumpkin Patch with friends

We went to the local pumpkin patch with some other home school friends.  We had a fun afternoon!
Julianna and May

Payton and Ben Prosper