Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Father's Day should be one of the most celebrated days in our house. You see, we have a great Daddy at our house. He is a strong man after God's own heart. He follows His God and loves his family. He is the strength of our home. I know there are families all around that have disengaged and busy fathers that don't make their families a priority. We are blessed to have a Daddy that loves us and loves to be with us.
Obviously, our Daddy had to "work" today. The cool thing is that we all get to go to work with him! Today we had a military theme at church complete with real military weapons and a vehicle. Then, later this afternoon, we had a Baptism Celebration/pool party with our church family. What a beautiful day!
Camden and his buddy Nick checking out the guns
Riding in the Gama Goat 6 wheel drive vehicle

The Baptism Celebration was held at the Lang's home. We are blessed to have such a beautiful place to go visit so close to home. They love on our children (well, really our whole family). Mrs. Angie loves to show off the animals to the kids and they love to see them! Maylee Grace could not get enough of the horses!

The two little swimmers hanging with Daddy in the pool. Camden wouldn't stay in one place long enough to get a picture. :) He was a busy boy.

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