Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Road Trip to Louisiana

Our family was invited to accompany Matt to Louisiana while he was the speaker for a Student Weekend.  We took a long road trip and made some fun stops on the way.
We stopped in Amarillo where Matt and I cashed in some movie gift certificates to see Top Gun at the IMAX while we had free babysitting (Thanks Papa and Mimi!)
We also stopped near Fort Worth to visit some friends.  We went to the Fort Worth Stock Yards where every day, cowboys lead long horn steers down the streets in front of crowds.  They also had a large maze made out of cattle stalls where the kids raced around trying to find letters.
An extra special treat was seeing my cousin, Lainie, and her family.  I haven't seen her in 8 years.  Our kids had a great time meeting and getting to know each other. 
Maylee Grace and Marlee
Marlee, Maylee Grace, Camden, Payton, Layne
Once we arrived in Louisiana, we got to stay in a cabin at North Toledo Bend State Park.  The lake was right outside our door.  It was beautiful and we had a great time!
Camden jumped right in with all the other youth and joined in all the games.  The littles were having fun cheering on the teams.
Sunday morning worship with the youth of First Baptist DeRidder, La

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